• $235156

2 & 3 BHK Premium Apartment is launched in Bangalore at Birla Ojasvi

Birla Ojasvi: A Worldview of Extravagance Living in Bangalore’s RR Nagar Settled in the midst of the quiet scenes of Rajarajeshwari Nagar (RR Nagar) in South-west Bangalore, Birla Ojasvi develops as a reference point of extravagance and tastefulness within the city’s genuine domain display. Spread over a sprawling 10-acre region, this prestigious private enclave rethinks urban living with its consistent mix of modernity, consolation, and convenience. At the heart of Birla Ojasvi lies a assorted cluster of fastidiously created homes, catering to the differing needs and yearnings of cutting edge mortgage holders. From cozy 1 BHK flats to open 3 BHK-Classic units, each domestic is keenly outlined to offer a agreeable combination of fashion and functionality. The 1 BHK apartments, extending from 450 to 550 square feet, radiate charm and closeness, giving a cozy withdraw for people and little families alike. With costs beginning from Rs 67 lakhs and expanding up to 70 lakhs, these homes offer unparalleled esteem for those looking for extravagance inside a sensible budget. For those craving more space and consolation, the 2 BHK pads at Birla Ojasvi display an perfect choice. Traversing between 950 to 980 square feet, these flats offer adequate room for unwinding and excitement. Estimated between Rs 1.33 crores and 1.4 crores, they represent extravagance living at its finest. Furthermore, the 3 BHK-Classic units rethink lavishness with their open formats extending from 1250 to 1280 square feet. Gloating costs between Rs 1.80 crores and 2 crores, these homes offer a idealize mix of fashion, consolation, and usefulness, catering to the observing tastes of cutting edge families. Past the limits of person homes, Birla Ojasvi sets a modern standard for extravagant living with its cluster of world-class comforts. From state-of-the-art wellness centers to lavish green spaces, each viewpoint of the township is outlined to promote the living involvement of its residents. Deliberately found in near nearness to major transportation courses and urban comforts, Birla Ojasvi offers unmatched network to Bangalore’s key centers, counting instructive teach, healthcare offices, and amusement goals.