Defence Courses by Shield Defence Academy

Introduction to Shield Defence Academy

Welcome to the Shield Defence Academy! This is the place where dreams of serving the nation turn into reality. With a dedicated mission to train and mentor the next generation of defence personnel, Shield Defence Academy stands out as a premier institute for defence coaching in India.

Why Choose Shield Defence Academy?

So, why should you choose Shield Defence Academy over others? Well, for starters, we have a proven track record of success stories. Our unique selling points include a highly experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and a comprehensive training methodology. But more importantly, we are committed to your success.

Comprehensive Defence Courses Offered

At Shield Defence Academy, we offer a wide range of defence courses tailored to meet your needs. Whether you’re aiming for the NDA, CDS, or any other defence examination, we’ve got you covered. Our courses are designed with flexibility and customization, ensuring you get the best training possible.

National Defence Academy (NDA) CoachingCourse Details

Our NDA coaching program is meticulously designed to cover all aspects of the examination. From written tests to physical fitness and SSB interviews, we ensure that our students are well-prepared.

Success Rates

We pride ourselves on our high success rates. Many of our students have successfully cleared the NDA exams and are now serving officers.