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Find Local Carpet Cleaning Services

Find Local Carpet Cleaning Services

Carpet Cleaning Dublin Specialists Ready To Serve

Did you know your carpet affects your eating habits? It’s all about the stress. Dirty carpets are frustrating, and are not a sight you want to come home to every day after work. Working in a soiled environment overloads your brain with visual and olfactory stimuli, which increase the stress levels. As more of the stress hormone cortisol is pumped into your system, you end up seeking out comfort foods. You get angry at the stubborn stains, and grab a bag of chips. The workspace gets ruined by coffee and wine spills on the carpet, you head to the vending machine for a candy bar. The heavily soiled carpet at home looks like plenty of work, so you order some pepperoni pizza or a cheeseburger with fries. All this stress eating affects your health and lifestyle goals. And that’s barely a tip of the iceberg. Your brain interprets the dirty carpet as pending work, preventing you from focussing on other activities in the home or office building, or even relaxing back on the sofa. It leads to fatigue and general bad mood, and affects your sleeping patterns. Don’t get depressed because of the sorry state of the carpet. Call in our carpet cleaning Dublin professionals to get things back on track. Find Local Carpet Cleaning Services