Fully Automatic Flap Barrier

A fully automatic flap barrier is a type of entry control system commonly used in areas where security and access control are paramount, such as office buildings, train stations, airports, and stadiums. These barriers are designed to allow or restrict the passage of individuals based on certain criteria, such as possession of an access card, ticket, or biometric identification.

Detection: As a person approaches the barrier, sensors detect their presence.

Barrier Operation: If the credential is valid, the barrier opens automatically, allowing the person to pass through. Otherwise, it remains closed.

Passage: Once the person has passed through, the barrier closes automatically to prevent unauthorized entry from following behind.

Logging: The system typically logs each entry, recording details such as the time, date, and identity of the person passing through. https://www.novusapl.com/Fully-Automatic-Flap-Barrier-NS-FS5-P810.php