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Generic Exemestane brand Aromasin 25 mg Tablet Side effects

Aromasin belongs to a group of medicines known as aromatase inhibitors. These medicines interfere with a substance called aromatase, which is needed to make the female sex hormones, oestrogens, especially in postmenopausal women. Reduction in oestrogen levels in the body is a way of treating hormone dependent breast cancer. Aromasin is used to treat hormone dependent early breast cancer in postmenopausal women after they have completed 2-3 years of treatment with the medicine tamoxifen. Aromasin is also used to treat hormone dependent advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women when a different hormonal drug treatment has not worked well enough.


Possible side effects


Very common: may affect more than 1 in 10 people


·         Depression

·         Difficulty sleeping

·         Headache

·         Hot flushes

·         Dizziness

·         Feeling sick

·         Increased sweating

·         Muscle and joint pain (including osteoarthritis, back pain, arthritis and joint stiffness)

·         Tiredness

·         A reduction in the number of white blood cells

·         Abdominal pain

·         Elevated level of liver enzymes

·         Elevated level of a hemoglobin breakdown in the blood

·         Elevated level of a blood enzyme in the blood due to liver damage

·         Pain


Above content source:  https://www.911globalmeds.com/info/1122-1-Exemestane-Aromasin-Medication-Patient-Information-In-English.pdf


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