• $60

Get Your Furniture Worked On Professionally

Get Your Furniture Worked On Professionally

The furniture is integral to the home decal. From the antique and rare pieces, to the contemporary designs and the modern bold looks, the furniture selection dictates the ambience of the household. However, like other surfaces and items on the premises, it is bound to accumulate dirt over time. From dirt particles, pollen grams, stains from food and drink spills, organic waste such as dead skin and faecal residue of dust mites feeding on the skin flakes – it all piles up in the units. With items like sofas having large surface area fabrics, they will eventually hoard loads of grime such that their looks and comfort are affected. Vacuuming alone won’t keep off those pet smells, sweat in the upholstery, foul odours and smoke particles from the unit. As the days go by, the level of grime piles up, causing the furniture to lose its beauty and charm, which also has a negative impact on the lifespan of the unit. Protect your investment by hiring quality upholstery cleaning services.