HIFU rejuvenation tightening of the body

Its everyone quest for staying young, yet, no matter how hard we might try, we cannot seem to stop ageing but we can certainly keep turning to the latest innovations in aesthetic medicine, for a little helping hand.


Wrinkles and fine lines will always show up eventually due to the loss of collagen and elastin which is the key structural support for the skin. Skin laxity, as its known, or simply ‘sagging skin’ also affects the eye areas making you look more tired and can distort the contours around the neck and chin areas.


HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is a relatively new technology that is used for tightening the face and the body. It’s a precise procedure that uses high-intensity focused ultrasound waves to heat and destroy ageing tissue that has covered the face and skin.


In fact, one of the earliest uses of HIFU ultrasound machine has been as a treatment for prostate cancer, yes really! HIFU is specially designed for those who wish to achieve the results of a ‘facelift’ and is a non-invasive aesthetic procedure.


How does HIFU work


For HIFU on the body it acts on the fat area at a depth of 13mm and 8mm. The energy produced by the focused ultrasound produces a breaking down of fat cells which results in the reduction of fat tissue. When the fat cells are destroyed they won’t regenerate so the result are considered to be permanent. However, please note that it is important to follow a healthy lifestyle post-procedure.


HIFU machine professional on the body is effective on many parts, for example:



3.Upper arms.



All of these are which are mostly the problematic areas with ageing and great for HIFU. This is because the HIFU tightens the skin at the same time as reducing fat cells.


Areas of the face include:


2.Drooping, especially around the mouth.

3.Sagging eyelids.

4.Loose neck folds.

5.Thin, crepey skin.

6.Fine lines and wrinkles.

7.Minor redness and dryness.

8.Uneven skin tone or texture.

9.Large Pores.


HIFU science


HIFU Ultra treatments are based on hyperthermia lifting theory. The HIFU transducer irradiates 65-75Cº of high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) energy into the skin, this then creates thermal coagulation on the target layers of skin tissue with no damage on the skin surface. Following the initial treatment, the skin starts to undergo wound healing process that simulates collagen synthesis and regeneration. Unlike lasers, radio frequency, surgery and other cosmetic procedures. This HIFU energy triggers a natural response under the skin, causing the body to enter into the regenerative process, resulting in the production of new collagen.


An immediate effect can be seen following HIFU treatment, with clients facial contours, skin tone and texture, and wrinkles showing improvement within 8 weeks post-treatment. The effects of HIFU treatment continues to work for up to 6 months as the collagen fibres reorganises and restructure themselves. Clients will notice further improvements, such as skin firming and tightening over the 3 – 6 month period. Results from one treatment will last between 12 – 36 months depending on client’s current skin laxity and age. Aesthetic practitioner will go through this during the consultation and design a treatment plan design around your own individual goals and needs.


HIFU results


Clients will see a 20% result immediately with the remaining 80% appearing over the next 2-3 months. In the majority of cases only one treatment per year will be needed, however, if you feel you would like more further treatments, this can be done at 6 monthly intervals. Generally, only one or two sessions are required. Benefits from HIFU treatment can be seen within 4 weeks, with further gains being reported for up to six months


HIFU vaginal rejuvenation


HIFU vaginal tightening is the most powerful non-surgical treatment available. If childbirth or menopause has caused some changes in the health and anatomy of your vagina, then this could be the answer. The HIFU treatment offers a solution for a wide range of feminine health concerns including; vaginal looseness, dryness and bladder weakness.


HIFU technology targets the dermal and SMAS layer of the skin, for both superficial and muscular tightening, generating new collagen, causing the skin to tighten, tone and lift. HIFU is a gold class, non-surgical procedure, which targets internal skin structures at depths of 3mm & 4.5mm per treatment at a 360-degree rotation.


This technique ensures consistent results with simultaneous toning and tightening. HIFU vaginal rejuvenation has quickly become an advanced medical alternative to traditional Vaginoplasty for the following reasons:

1.Immediate and long term results.

2.Rejuvenation of vaginal tissue.

3.Tightening and toning of vaginal muscles.

4.Fast, virtually painless treatments.

5.No downtime.


Using a thermal energy technology, HIFU vaginal tightening System targets and tightens underlying vaginal tissues by triggering your body’s natural production of collagen without the need for anesthesia, needles, or surgery of any kind. Vaginal tightening HIFU system has been clinically proven to noticeably tighten the vagina, reduce labial sagging, improve orgasm quality, reduce vaginal dryness, and improve urinary incontinence.


Non-surgical HIFU vaginal tightening


HIFU stands for ‘High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound’, the treatment is focused and targets various depths of the body’s tissue for skin tightening, skin lifting, and contouring. The procedure is non-invasive and quick, producing results almost immediately with zero downtime. It boosts new collagen production and collagen regeneration right at the source.


HIFU Vaginal treatment has become one of the most sought-after treatments for tightening the vagina on a superficial and muscular level.


Scientifically speaking, the vaginal tightening HIFU system uses a non-invasive ultrasonic focusing technique to focus on the mucous membrane and fibrous layer and muscle layer directly. Using high-intensity ultrasonic waves as the energy source it penetrates to the required layer of tissue causing micro-injury (controlled trauma) and the collagen is re-organized whilst the outer tissue is not damaged. As the tissue heals, it increases collagen generation. As these collagen fibers organize themselves, they naturally shorten, thus a tightening effect is observed.


Benefits of HIFU vaginal treatment


1.Increased vaginal moisture.

2.Increased sensitivity during sexual activity.

3.Increased sex drive.

4.Improved vaginal tightness and firmness.

5.Stress incontinence is reduced and improved.

6.Improved, Firmer & tighter muscles in the treated area.

7.Reduction or elimination of vaginal bacterial Infections.

8.Helps treat signs of ageing and an overall revival of the vaginal region.

9.Clinically proven – safe and effective.

10.Cost-effective and less invasive alternative to surgical.

11.No need for anesthetic or other harmful drugs.

12.No incisions or risk of infection.

13.No Downtime.

14.Results can be seen after just 1 treatment.

15.Results can last for two years or more.


What can expect of HIFU treatment process



Treatment is most effective based on a date in the middle of your cycle. At your pre-treatment appointment, your doctor carry out a consultation which will give us the information we need to assess whether or not you would be a good candidate for treatment. We also address any concerns you may have at this time.


On the day:

The treatment will take 20-60 mins in treat rooms which are entirely dedicated to your specific treatment only for the duration of your appointment. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us and we go the extra mile to make sure you are comfortable at all times. You will have the best people in the industry administering the treatment and they are with you through the entire procedure. They will also make sure you’re totally informed at all times throughout – and you’ll be armed with all the information you need post-treatment at home.


Post Treatment:

All post-treatment requirements will be discussed after your treatment and your doctor will give you a post-treatment leaflet that goes through everything in detail, you can go back to work immediately post-treatment but will have to cut out exercise for 2 days at least.


FAQ’s about HIFU:


When will notice HIFU treatment results?


Some results are virtually immediate with optimal results expected from 3 to 6 months, however, collagen regeneration has been clinically proven to keep regenerating at the 9-month period post-treatment on average. Most clients report a significant improvement in stress incontinence within 7-10 days.


How long do the HIFU treatment results last?


Individual results will differ, however a minimum of 18 months to 2 years.


How many HIFU treatments are required?


Between 1-3 treatments with an annual top-up is recommended.


Does HIFU treatment hurt?


You will feel the treatment as a warm prickle. Settings will be adjusted to suit your comfort levels. Therefore HIFU treatment is classed as pain-free.


Can you have the HIFU treatment whilst on your period?


It is advisable not to as you are more sensitive around your time of the month and a stronger setting and therefore better results can be obtained if carried out mid-cycle (two weeks after your period).


If you have a prolapsed womb, can you have the HIFU treatment?


Unfortunately, you will not be suitable if you have an existing prolapse.


What medications interfere with or stop from having HIFU treatment?


Blood thinning medications including aspirin and ibuprofen should be stopped at least one week before HIFU treatment.


Also, supplements such as vitamin E, St Johns Wort, Ginkgo Biloba, and Fish Oil should be discontinued a week before the treatment to avoid bruising.


Topical retinoids and Alpha-Beta Hydroxy Acids must be discontinued about 2 weeks prior to treatment.


Is vaginal tightening HIFU treatment the right option for you?


The first step in determining if HIFU vaginal tightening is the best procedure for your needs is scheduling an appointment with your specialist.


During this private, one-on-one consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your concerns confidentially and explain your ultimate goals. Your specialist will help you explore your options and make personalized recommendations for the best course of treatment.