• $60

Hire Professional Cleaners To Care For Your Sofa

Hire Professional Cleaners To Care For Your Sofa

You spent a lot of money to get that elegant sofa. A set that matches your particular taste, and accentuates the ambience of the space. During those initial months after bringing it home, it did exactly that – enhancing the decor and making you proud of picking the right fit for your living area. You would excitedly host guests and the compliments you’d get about the furniture would warm your heart. Those evenings coming home from work were relaxing, where you’d lounge back on the cosy cushions as you caught up with your family about the day’s events. It went well, up until when the stains started popping up. A smudge here, some spilled beverage there, and dust accumulating on the furniture. While vacuuming helps in controlling the amount of dirt that builds up in the sofa, it is not enough to get rid of the gunk that embeds itself into the upholstery. Over time, that good looking sofa is transformed to a pale shadow of its former self, dragging down that decor that you had worked so hard to establish.