HOWO Water Tank Truck

Brief Introduction Over HOWO Water Tank Truck

HOWO water tank truck is a type of tanker truck designed for the transportation of water, it can have the function of front and rear water sprinkling. The special vehicle has a large cylindrical tank mounted on a truck chassis for the haulage of the water. The tank is usually made of carbon steel, stainless steel or aluminum that can withstand the pressure the water being transported.


The fuel tank truck body is manufactured with the anti-wave structure can withstand the impact during operation and greatly improve the strength of the water tank truck.


HOWO water tank truck come in different sizes and capacities, depending on the specific needs of the local operations. Some water tank trucks are equipped with sprinkling system, while others are designed for bulk water delivery.


The choice of a water tank truck depends on the type and volume of the water being transported, as well as the route and operating conditions of the transportation operation. The tank and other components of the truck must be built to withstand the weight and pressure of the water, and must meet various safety and environmental local regulations. In addition, the truck must be equipped with proper safety features to prevent spills and leaks during transportation.