• $233

Ladakh Bike Trip Package

Ladakh Bike Tour Package Highlights:

Embark on an unforgettable Ladakh holiday package with Nubra & Pangong, where you’ll encounter the sheer beauty and tranquility of Nubra Valley and Pangong Tso. Explore ancient monasteries, experience the unique landscapes, and engage with the warm Ladakhi culture. Book your dream holiday with us and discover the mystical charm of Ladakh – a journey that will leave you with cherished memories for a lifetime. Let the magic of Ladakh unfold before your eyes!

  1. Scenic Route from Leh to Leh:
  • Begin your bike odyssey from Leh, embarking on a thrilling ride through enchanting valleys and rugged terrains.
  • Experience the adrenaline rush as you navigate through winding roads and spectacular vistas.
  1. Conquer the Mighty Baralacha La:
  • Challenge yourself to conquer Baralacha La, one of the high-altitude passes on your route.
  • Marvel at the breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks that surround you.
  1. Surreal Beauty of Pangong Tso:
  • Visit the iconic Pangong Tso, the azure blue lake famed for its ever-changing colors.
  • Camp by the lakeside and immerse yourself in the tranquility of this celestial water body.
  1. Cross the World’s Highest Motorable Pass – Khardung La:
  • Experience a sense of accomplishment as you ride over Khardung La, the highest motorable pass in the world.
  • Capture panoramic views of the picturesque landscape below.
  1. Mesmerizing Nubra Valley:
  • Explore the enchanting Nubra Valley, where sand dunes meet snow-capped mountains.
  • Interact with the locals and experience their warm hospitality.
  1. Visit Ancient Monasteries:
  • Take a spiritual break and visit ancient monasteries like Diskit and Hemis, delving into the region’s rich Buddhist heritage.
  1. Enjoy the Cultural Extravaganza in Leh:
  • Discover the vibrant culture of Leh by exploring its local markets, art, and cuisine.
  • Witness the traditional Ladakhi dance performances and festivities.
  1. Expert Support and Safety:
  • Travel with confidence, knowing that our experienced guides and support crew will be with you throughout the journey.
  • We prioritize safety and ensure well-maintained bikes and necessary safety gear.

Things to do on Leh Ladakh bike trip:

A Leh Ladakh bike trip is a thrilling adventure that offers a wide range of exciting experiences amidst the stunning landscapes of the Himalayas. Here are some must-do activities to make your trip truly memorable:

  1. Ride on High-Altitude Passes: Conquer iconic high-altitude passes like Khardung La (world’s highest motorable pass), Chang La, and Tanglang La. Enjoy the adrenaline rush and breathtaking views from these mountain passes.
  2. Explore Ancient Monasteries: Visit ancient monasteries like Thiksey, Hemis, Diskit, and Lamayuru. Experience the spiritual aura, witness monks in prayer, and marvel at the unique architecture and intricate artwork.
  3. Camp by Lakeside: Spend a night camping by the serene Pangong Tso or Tso Moriri lakes. Witness the magical sunrise and sunset over the tranquil waters, creating unforgettable moments.
  4. Camel Ride in Nubra Valley: Experience a unique camel ride on the double-humped Bactrian camels amidst the sand dunes of Hunder in Nubra Valley.
  5. Visit Magnetic Hill: Experience the intriguing gravity-defying phenomenon at Magnetic Hill, where vehicles appear to move uphill on their own.
  6. Stargazing: Experience the clear night skies of Ladakh and indulge in stargazing. The region is known for its excellent visibility of celestial bodies.
  7. Try Local Cuisine: Relish the delicious Ladakhi cuisine, including momos, thukpa, and butter tea, at local eateries and dhabas.
  8. Wildlife Safari: If you’re lucky, you may spot rare wildlife like snow leopards and Tibetan wolves in Hemis National Park.
  9. Photography: Capture the breathtaking landscapes, picturesque monasteries, and the unique culture of Ladakh with your camera.
  10. River Rafting: During the summer, you can indulge in river rafting on the Zanskar River, offering an adrenaline-pumping experience.
  11. Enjoy the Journey: Embrace the freedom of the open road, enjoy the thrill of riding through rugged terrains, and savor every moment of your Leh Ladakh bike trip.