Most Common Type of Workplace Injuries & How a Lawyer Can Help?


Workplace injuries can occur for a variety of reasons and can have far-reaching consequences in a worker’s life.

Here are some of the most common types of workplace injuries, as well as how a lawyer can assist employees who have been injured.

1) Repetitive Stress Injuries: Repetitive stress injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, can occur as a result of repeatedly performing the same task. These injuries can happen in a variety of workplaces, including offices, factories, and warehouses.

A lawyer can assist employees who have been diagnosed with a repetitive stress injury by negotiating a fair settlement with their employer and/or insurance company.

2) Back Injuries: Workplace activities such as heavy lifting, repetitive motions, slips, trips, and falls can all cause back injuries. A lawyer can assist workers who have suffered a back injury by negotiating a fair settlement with their employer and the insurance company.

3) Burn Injuries: Burn injuries can occur as a result of contact with dangerous chemicals, electrical currents, or hot equipment. A lawyer can assist workers who have been injured in a burn injury by negotiating a fair settlement with their employer and/or insurance company.


Prominent Lawyers is a leading compensation lawyer in Sydney, NSW, having expertise in medical malpractice and compensation, motor vehicle accidents, workplace injuries, and other personal injury matters. To get the best legal advice, call us at +61 180 077 6646 or fill out a free Enquiry Form on our website.