My Ex is Fighting for Custody of the Kids, What Do I Do?

If there is one thing that augments pressure on a parent, then it has to go through a fight for custody battle. It is not only rich in legal procedures but is also more of an emotional and psychological turmoil for both parties, the parents and children. But if your ex-partner or the father(of the child) suddenly wants custody of the child in California, then it is vital to have clear information about general legal laws and proceedings.

This is extremely crucial so as not to lose your right as a parent as well as opt for the best interest of your children. In this infographic, we have added detailed guide to navigating this difficult process.

In California, a successful custody battle requires planning, legal knowledge, and putting your child’s best interests first. A knowledgeable family law attorney can help you negotiate obstacles and work toward a successful resolution.

Understanding child support laws is crucial for filing. “Mesnik Law” offers top family lawyers. Also, contact us in case you require a paternity lawyer in San Diego.