• $23

Online shopping for Hira goods in Papua New Guinea

A cleanser for Hira Shouwu Shampoo: Unlike conventional hair dyes, this masking shampoo is manufactured with just typical natural ingredients. It is free of chemicals, and tints, and protects the scalp and hair follicles from irritation.

Standard Hair Care: contains priceless spices, like Polygonum multiflorum, which can be used to activate the melanocytes responsible for producing hair colour. To keep the scalp healthy, other ingredients include Polygonum multiflorum, ginseng, ginger, olive oil, and others. Peppermint is also used to sterilise the scalp. profoundly

progress in hair development Increase blood flow to the scalp and successfully stop baldness. stimulates the growth of hair follicles and keeps them well-prepared for a very long time of continuous use.

Apply a small amount of this common concealing shampoo like you would any other to instantly transform your grey hair into something vibrant, and different, and restore your confidence.

Reestablish Hair Tone: Use the new Hair Obscuring Shampoo Bar to instantly restore your normal hair tone, turning grey hair into a striking dull variety. This will boost your confidence and make you feel and appear younger.