Q switched Nd YAG laser machine treatment can remove freckles

Q switch Nd YAG laser tattoo removal machine can remove pigmented skin problems such as tattoos, eyebrow tattoos, eyeliner tattoos, lip lines and traumatic tattoos. Q-switched Nd:YAG laser beauty equipment uses the blasting effect and selective absorption of laser principle.

Bvlaser is best Q switched ND YAG laser machine factory manufacturer, we have ND YAG laser machine for sale.

Q switched ND YAG laser Advantages

Safety: Using Q-switching technology, the laser pulse width (6NS) is extremely short, avoiding damage to the skin.

Efficient: Usually epidermis spots (age spots, freckles) only need to be operated once, and more than 80% of them can be removed.

Convenience: No time wasted, no trauma (optional), no impact on work, study and normal life.

Thoroughly: The pigment is broken into small particles by the high-energy blasting of the laser and excreted from the body without the possibility of recurrence.

ND YAG laser machine Principle

ND YAG laser for pigmentation using the blasting effect of laser and the principle of selective absorption, high-energy laser pulses act on pigmented tissues (melanin, tattoo pigments, permanent tattoo agents, dust particles) and are absorbed by them. Pigmented tissues expand rapidly after being shocked and heated by the ND YAG laser. The laser pulse is much lower than the thermal relaxation time of the melanin structure and tattoo in the body. After the pigment tissue absorbs the laser energy, it will generate a mechanical oscillation wave and then crush it. The broken pigment particles will be swallowed by the metabolism of the human body and the macrophages in the body, and then excreted from the body. At the same time, the laser beam can effectively penetrate into the dermis, promote tissue activity, and accelerate the regeneration of collagen cells, so as to remove wrinkles, whiten, rejuvenate and improve skin quality. Due to the principle of selective thermal absorption of lasers, the best absorption wavelengths of various pigments are different, and the absorption of 1064nm and 532nm laser output by Nd:YAG laser output by other tissues of the human body is extremely small. Therefore, the Q switch ND YAG laser tattoo removal machine is very effective in removing pigment and vascular tissue without damaging the surrounding tissue.

ND YAG laser machine beauty range

Nevus of Ota: Mostly occurs in the upper and lower eyelids, zygomatic and temporal regions on one side of the face, occasionally on both sides of the face, about 2/3 of the patients have blue staining of the sclera on the same side, the palate and buccal mucosa can also be involved, and the distribution is usually limited to the trigeminal, the area innervated by the first and second branches of the nerve. The skin lesions are usually patchy, with occasional nodules, and can be brown, gray, blue, black and other colors.

Tattoo: The pattern left by various pigments infiltrated into the skin through fine puncture wounds of the skin.

Freckles: Ranging in size, as small as a pinhead, as large as a soybean grain, most common on the face, followed by the back of the hands, forearms and neck. Generally, it grows symmetrically, and it is rarely seen on the parts of the body where the epidermis is not exposed. The color is brown, dark brown, light black, round or oval isolated spots.

Coffee spots: The color of coffee spots ranges from light brown to dark brown, but the color of each piece is the same and very uniform, the depth is not affected by the sun, the size ranges from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters, the boundary is clear, and the surface skin texture completely normal. The appearance is very similar to freckles.

Melasma: Occurs more frequently in women, especially during pregnancy, postpartum and women taking oral contraceptives. The rash is symmetrically distributed on the face, forehead, cheeks, both sides of the back of the nose, around the lips, and the skin of the chin. It is the size of a finger cover to a coin or the size of a palm.

Port wine stain: Commonly known as red birthmark, it is more likely to occur on the face and neck.

Eyebrow wash: the pattern left by various pigments penetrating into the skin through micro-punctures of the skin.

Q switched Nd YAG laser machine treatment can remove freckles

Freckles belong to the increase of melanin in the epidermis. In the past, liquid nitrogen, dry ice or phenol can be used to exfoliate freckles. Although these treatments can make the pigment fade, they often have side effects such as abnormal pigment changes and scar formation, and the overall effect is not satisfactory.

Freckles are yellow-brown pigmented spots that occur on the skin of sun-exposed areas. They are autosomal dominant and are quite common on the face. Freckles usually appear around the age of 5, and the number increases with age. Its development is related to sun exposure, so the pigmented spots are limited to the exposed parts. The disease is most common on the face (especially the nose). The symptoms change with the seasons. In summer, the number of spots increases, the color deepens, and the damage becomes larger; on the contrary, in winter, the number decreases, the color becomes lighter, and the damage shrinks. Freckles belong to the increase of melanin in the epidermis. In the past, liquid nitrogen, dry ice or phenol can be used to exfoliate freckles. Although these treatments can make the pigment fade, they often have side effects such as abnormal pigment changes and scar formation, and the overall effect is not satisfactory. Since the emergence of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, it has become the best choice for treating freckles, and it is the gospel for all people who are troubled by freckles.

The basic theory of Nd:YAG laser treatment of freckles is selective photothermal effect, that is, according to the different biological characteristics of target tissue and normal tissue, that is, the difference in light absorption rate, the appropriate laser parameters are selected to ensure the most effective treatment of lesions At the same time, the damage to the surrounding normal tissues is minimal, thus reducing the damage to the dermis, ensuring the safety of the treatment, and leaving no scars after treatment. The treatment process is fast and there is no bleeding. No special medication is required after treatment. Just keep the treatment area dry and clean. It will heal within 5-7 days without affecting life and study.

Daily care after laser treatment should avoid sun exposure as much as possible, use sunscreen, eat more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, and avoid spicy food and food with light-sensitive substances, such as parsley, radish, celery, etc. Since freckles are hereditary and have a lot to do with personal constitution, most of them recur after treatment, but this is a process that accumulates over time, and it is easy to get rid of them if they are treated when the number is still small. You don’t have to worry about freckles, ND YAG q switch laser machine can help you become more beautiful.