• $30

Retrofit Double Glazing In Wellington

This is when we leave your existing aluminium window frames in place and replace your single glazed panels with double glazed units. This is done by fitting new aluminium beading to your fixed panels and replacement opening sash extrusion to allow for the extra thickness of the double glazed glass panel. This is a good option when your frames are newer or in really good condition.

Re-flash your windows:

However if your frames are older we can take your existing windows out and re-flash the bottom sill and head flashings, this will bring your existing windows to a new building standard.

Don’t just retrofit:

Have us at Nice Glass check your existing aluminium joinery for flashings. Prior to 2005 most aluminium joinery was installed without flashings. And in some cases untreated timber was used to the outside wall of your house framing. We can pull your windows out, put new flashings in then reinstall your existing frame with double glazing. While giving you peace of mind that no unwanted and unseen water is behind the walls creating permanent and costly damage.