• $60

Taking Care Of Your Area Rugs

Taking Care Of Your Area Rugs

Dealing with area rugs is not exactly the same as carpet cleaning. The different constructions of the material, and amount of attention that goes into it due to the different rates of soiling build-up – these all need to be factored into their care and maintenance program. 

How Are Area Rugs Different From Carpets?

Area rugs are designed to be positioned on those sections of the room that are bound to have higher levels of soiling, especially from footfall. This ranges from the entrance of the premises, to next to the furniture and at the dining tables. They are also mobile, to be moved as desired. Due to their functionality, the area rungs also typically have more denser piles compared to carpets. Here, the individual fibres of the material get woven tightly together. This translates to more dirt and grime getting trapped near the base of the area rug, and the ordinary vacuuming is not enough to get this out. People usually beat the rugs outside the house in order to release the dirt that is trapped in them – but this is also not an effective mode.