The discovery of cryolipolysis

The development of the times, people’s living standard is higher and higher.In daily life, people have higher and higher requirements on food. However, there are still a large number of people, due to the lack of attention to diet, irregular habits and other factors, leading to the body gradually deformity, become obese. This phenomenon has a large proportion of the population in every country. In order to keep fit, many people begin to look for various ways to lose weight. So what are some techniques that can help you lose weight quickly these days? Cryolipolysis technology is better for weight loss at present. Bestview Laser is a China cryolipolysis machine manufacturer.


Cryolipolysis fat freezing machine is the scientific process behind the world’s most popular, non-invasive fat reduction treatment. Cryolipolysis refers to the reduction of fat cells through exposure to precisely controlled temperatures (Cryo meaning cold, lipo meaning fat, and lysis meaning cell destruction). Also known as fat freezing, Cryolipolysis slimming machine is scientifically proven to reduce stubborn bulges that resist diet and exercise. Results look natural and last, providing long-term solutions to the problematic fat deposits, such as belly fat, love handles, thigh fat, double chins, upper arm fat, and more. Read on to learn more about Cryolipolysis and discover if freezing away fat is an ideal solution for you.


The Discovery of Cryolipolysis


Cryolipolysis was developed by Harvard scientists Dieter Manstein, MD and R. Rox Anderson, MD who noticed reductions in cheek fat among children who sucked on popsicles, a phenomenon known as popsicle panniculitis. Dr.  Manstein explained the concept of Cryolipolysis to Allure magazine, saying, “Fat freezes at a higher temperature than water. Think of butter and water in the refrigerator – one is solid, the other remains liquid.” Following the same principle, Dr. Manstein realized that by exposing fat bulges to cold temperatures, he could effectively freeze the fat, without freezing the overlying tissue. This is because skin cells are composed primarily of water, and therefore have a much lower freezing temperature than underlying fat cells.


How Cryolipolysis Works


Cryolipolysis effectively reduces stubborn bulges. Researcher Nils Krueger in the scientific paper titled lays out this process: “Cryolipolysis For Noninvasive Body Contouring: Clinical Efficacy And Patient Satisfaction.” Krueger explain: “The principle behind cryolipolysis exploits the premise that adipocytes [fat cells] are more susceptible to cooling than other skin cells. The precise application of cold temperatures triggers apoptosis [cell death] of the adipocytes, [fat cells] which invokes an inflammatory response and leads to slow digestion by surrounding macrophages [the white blood cells that rid the body of waste.]”


Put in simpler terms, cryolipolysis uses an applicator to isolate a fat deposit, such as belly fat and exposes that bulge to precisely controlled temperatures. These temperatures are cold enough to freeze subcutaneous fat, but not so cold that it would harm the surrounding skin or tissue. “Frozen” fat cells, crystallize, causing the cell membrane to rupture. The destruction of the fat cell disables it from storing fat and signals the body to collect the destroyed fat cells using the lymphatic system. This natural process takes several weeks but culminates when the fat cells are excreted from the body as waste product. Therefore, cryolipolysis is similar to liposuction, in that it actually removes fat cells from the body. The major difference being that Cryolipolysis triggers metabolic processes to remove the fat cells from the body, while liposuction uses a tube to suction fat cells out of the body.


Cryolipolysis results in dramatic fat reduction. Nils Krueger’s study demonstrated a 25% reduction in fat after a single fat freezing session. Moreover, because the fat cells are excreted from the body, they cannot grow back, resulting in long-term fat reduction.


Is Cryolipolysis Right For Everyone?


In order for you to enjoy the dramatic cryolipolysis results, it is important to ensure you are a good candidate for the Cryolipolysis procedure. Cryolipolysis works best on localized fat deposits on men and women who live active, healthy lifestyles but struggle with isolated bulges that resist diet and exercise. Cryolipolysis is not a weight loss treatment and is not intended for men or women who are significantly overweight.


Getting Started with Cryolipolysis


The best way to find out if Cryolipolysis can reduce your stubborn fat deposits is to schedule a complimentary consultation with your doctor. During your consultation, your specialist will explain the Cryolipolysis procedure in detail and help you determine if cryolipolysis is right for you.


Cryolipolysis Fat Removal Principle


As triglyceride in fats will be converted into solid in particular low temperatures, It uses advanced cooling technology to selectively target fat bulges and eliminate fat cells through a gradual process that does not harm the surrounding tissues,reduce unwanted fat. When fat cells are exposed to precise cooling, they trigger a process of natural removal that gradually reduces the thickness of the fat layer. And The fat cells in the treated area are gently eliminated through the body’s normal metabolism process, to eliminate unwanted fat.


FAQS about cryolipolysis


1.How many cryolipolysis treatment need?

For different parts of the fat, it takes different amounts of time.But it usually takes an hour to treat.


2.How does the cryolipolysis different from other weight loss techniques?

Cryolipolysis is fundamentally different from other non- or minimally invasive modalities. Other methods of fat removal primarily involve necrotic cell death by damaging fat with heat, high-intensity focused ultrasound, or chemical injections. Predictability of efficacy using these other techniques is also uncertain. In contrast, the Cool Fat Dissolve operation induces apoptosis only in fat cells to gently and gradually reduce the fat layer while preserving all other tissue.


3.What does cryolipolysis feel like?

When the cooling starts in the first few minutes, you will feel the pressure and intense cold. That quickly disappeared. And many people fall asleep during treatment. So it doesn’t make you uncomfortable.


4.What are the side effects?

It doesn’t have any side effects, just a little bit of numbness in the area that you feel after you’ve been treated. But this is normal because muscles become numb after being frozen for a while. It will be gone soon.


What is the difference between fat loss and weight loss?


Although fat loss and weight loss are closely related terms, they are two very different things. Weight loss is the decreasing of your body weight, which can be from muscle mass, water, and fat. However, you can lose weight but not necessarily lose fat.


When you are losing weight, the fat cells in your body become smaller in size and vice versa. When gaining weight, they get bigger. Therefore, the number of fat cells does not change with weight fluctuation.


Fat loss, on the other hand, means losing fat mass, which is the weight of all the fat molecules in your body. If you want your body to look more contoured as well as healthier, then you should aim to lose excess fat, not just weight loss. Because it is not how much you weigh that causes diabetes, high cholesterol and other diseases, it is the amount of excess body fat that you carry.


Unfortunately, the process of losing stubborn fat is usually more difficult than just losing some weight. The goal of fat reduction treatments is namely to help you with that.


Cryolipolysis procedures kill fat cells and decrease their number in certain parts of your body. It will not necessarily drop your weight, but the area you treat will look slimmer and contoured.