Titanium Grade 2 Sheets & Plates Exporters

Titanium Grade 2 Plate is extensively used in diverse industrial applications, and is formed from the latest technology and superior grade of raw materials, and are commercially pure which contains 99% of minimum titanium. This feature makes it resistant to most oxidizing, neutral, and inhibited reducing, as well as mildly reducing environments. It is corrosion resistance comes from a strong follower, protective oxide feature, stable which forms in the presence of oxygen. Titanium gr 2 plates can be performed using various methods such as TIG and MIG. A mixture of helium and argon is typically preferred but should be tested before accepting a welding procedure. Preheat or post-heat treatments are not needed.

Titanium Grade 2 Sheet corrosion resistance is similar between the four C.P. grades, but mechanical properties differ along with differing iron and oxygen contents. And they provide excellent resistance to marine atmosphere and seawater corrosion. 3.7035 grade 2 sheets can be easily machined, hot worked, and welded.