• $60

Troubles With Soiled Area Rugs

Troubles With Soiled Area Rugs

Unlike the wall-to-wall carpets, area rugs are easier to maintain and move around the house. They play an important role as well, trapping soiling and preventing it from being spread around the premises. However, due to this, the very dirt that the rugs protect the floor from will cause it to get ruined over time, if left to accumulate. The old-fashioned way of dealing with the gunk that accumulates in the rugs is taking the rug outside and beating it out – which has a whole set of problems. For instance, that whiff of dust that is released into the air is an immediate health risk, as the person “beating the rug” inhales plenty of the particles. This also affects those in the vicinity, whether it is passers-by as you do this at the door, or the tenants in the floor below yours for those in apartment buildings where you will get complaints about the torrent of dust and debris that gets released down to them. Safer rug cleaning methods are used when you hire professionals for the task, such as hot water extraction that flushes out the gunk that’s in the unit and safely disposes of it.