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Unlocking Your Destiny Code: How An Astrologer in Edmonton Can Profoundly Impact Your Life

Have you wondered how some people seem born under a lucky star while others struggle endlessly against the tides of misfortune? The secret may lie encoded in planetary positions at your time of birth — influencing health, relationships, career, and life’s tapestry of experiences as the cosmos weaves an intricate destiny with each soul on Earth.


An astrologer in Edmonton like Master Shivajii with rare gifts developed under the tutelage of Indian mystic gurus can decode these celestial patterns and karmic maps with incredible accuracy. Then guide one towards life’s true calling.


Born Near The Himalayas: A Childhood Of Mystic Awakening


Since early childhood, Master Shivajii manifested psychic abilities often found in gifted spiritual teachers and astrologers in Edmonton. He could move small objects through focused mental concentration and see people’s past lives reflected in the iris signature of their eyes. By age 14, Master Shivajii could accurately provide auspicious timeframes for new ventures after glancing at the night sky configurations.


At 19, drawn towards decoding life’s deeper meaning, Master Shivajii journeyed into the Himalayas to undergo intensive learning in astrology and spiritual sciences under the respected Guru Parasharam. He gained mastery in interpreting how natal charts and transits of Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, and Ketu can precisely indicate soul agreements chosen by the incarnating being. These then get reflected as events in one’s earthly lifespan relating to career peaks, relationships, parenthood, and catalyzing spiritual maturity.


After 14 years under the tutelage of advanced Indian astrology masters decoding karma’s role, Master Shivajii moved to Canada with a profound understanding of Jyotish Shastra and a burning impulse to guide others trapped in suffering. He knew life paths could transform through self-realization and once obscuring karmic veils lifted, one’s destiny would shine.


Unraveling Karmic Codes: How An Indian Astrologer In Edmonton Can Foresee Your Future


Master Shivajii, a gifted Indian astrologer in Edmonton, uses his extraordinary insight into sidereal Vedic astrology and palmistry to foresee life trajectories with uncanny precision. By thoroughly analyzing the Nakshatras prevalent at one’s birth hour along with Charan, ANSH, and planetary alignments — he can peer directly into personal family, relationship, career, and even past life trends!


As an Indian astrologer in Edmonton, Master Shivajii guides clients to understand their soul agreements and destiny timelines already indicated through birth chart configurations. Then with free will one can choose — continue repeating unconscious karmic patterns causing persistent hardship or wake up! Then move through guiltlessly with awareness to fulfill life purposes usually hidden by illusion. His readings pinpoint the upcoming 5-year timeline of peak experiences relating to investments, life partnerships, parenthood, creative fruition, political careers, spiritual initiation, and more!


Master Shivajii shares that 10 Planetary alignments indicate strong probability trends in one’s natal chart which will get activated during transiting alignments. By understanding these Agreements made by the soul before birth and working consciously instead of questioning why events happen- one can improve life drastically. Even during the worst phases indicated astrologically- trapped souls can uplift their lifestyle with the right guidance from an Indian astrologer in Edmonton like him.

He gives hope — Even Indicators of early death in one’s horoscope can be overcome through the right Astro-Remedies; since birth chart has flexibility clauses built in for those becoming Self-Realized!


Proven Expertise Guiding Thousands To Find Life Purpose


Today, Master’s Shivajii’s Indian astrology predictions and palm readings have guided thousands across Canada to make conscious choices aligned with soul evolution needs- fulfilling life purposes and achieving abundance previously seemed impossible!


His monthly YouTube forecasts update on important planetary transits reaching millions receiving guidance on managing energies productively to target goals. Master Shivajii also trains new astrologers and writes extensively on metaphysical phenomena using Jyotish Astrology principles.


As an Indian astrologer in Edmonton, he is renowned for providing extraordinary clarity on finding ideal life partners and peak timelines for marriage using synastry techniques. Master Shivajii can even detect cheating spouse trends!


His ideas on Astro-stock trading triggers are used by several financial firms while innovative Astro-matchmaking processes resulted in families being overjoyed at compatible unions.


Through his books, online courses, videos, and TV shows- Master Shivajii makes Vedic astrology easy to apply for Western seekers; while sharing ancient secrets on managing lunar cycles, retrograde agony, and eclipses for prosperity.


His customized astrology software and apps providing daily horoscope analysis and real-time planetary transit alerts ensure global access to his gifts as an Indian astrologer in Edmonton.


Awaken A Sense Of Reassurance Through The Wisdom Of The Stars


If you seek deeper meaning or reassurance amid life’s chaos, consult Master Shivajii — one of Canada’s most gifted Indian astrologers based in Edmonton. Receive clarity on the next decade’s outlook through a comprehensive birth chart and palm reading.


Align with cosmos intelligence propelling your destiny’s unique path. Move from confusion to confidence. Rekindle passion pursuing a purpose written among stars since your soul’s inception. Let an explorer of worlds visible and invisible guide you wisely forward- escape struggle-vana forever! Destiny awaits. Contact us at 780 394 9718.