• $60

When Pet Odours Ruin Your Carpet

When Pet Odours Ruin Your Carpet

Having pets around comes with its fair share of challenges. Sure, the furry little guys are members of the family, and you would do anything to protect them and keep them safe. However, there will be some extra responsibility when it comes to maintaining the environment in which the pets live – and more so if you have a carpet. Pet accidents are some of the most challenging situations to deal with on carpets. First, there is the stain that forms, which sticks out like a sore thumb, clashing with the rest of the colours and styles of the carpet. The pee itself is acidic, corroding the carpet fibres. Moreover, carpets readily soak up the pet urine, causing it to get deeper into the padding. Then there is that one issue that you can’t run away from: odours. These are not like the usual odours from other kinds of organic waste. Pet urine smells actually get stronger over time due to the chemical breakdown that causes more ammonia to be released as the days go by. It’s made worse by the affected spot getting wet, which translates in an even stronger stench. The carpet cleaning here is required as a matter of urgency.