• $60

When Your Carpet Is A Direct Threat To Your Health

When Your Carpet Is A Direct Threat To Your Health

With as many as 75% of people admitting to walking on carpets with dirty shoes, there’s bound to be loads of grime buried within the fibres. The lush material captures whatever the family and guests bring in under the soles of their shoes. 

Impact on the indoor air quality

Initially, the carpet does a good job of cleaning up the indoor air. This is because its fibres capture the dust particles and allergens that land on it, reducing the triggers in the room. However, as the amount of grime that is in the carpet continues building up, this functionality reduces. As more soiling accumulates in the fibres of the carpet, the particles will be easily dislodged from the fibres. When the carpet is disturbed – even when people simply walk on it, these particles are released back into the air space. This time, there will be a higher concentration of allergens, putting the persons in the household at risk. You don’t want to keep getting the sniffles in your home, those flu-like symptoms that make your guests uncomfortable, all through to all-out asthma attacks being triggered because of the poor indoor air quality. Ensuring that you maintain a routine carpet cleaning schedule is key to prevent the unit from becoming a health hazard.