• $60

When Your Upholstery Has Had Better Days

When Your Upholstery Has Had Better Days

Do you ever look at your furniture and wonder just how it could have fallen so out of shape? Recalling that appeal it had those initial months after you had bought it, and comparing it to its current state can be frustrating. Over the course of its usage, the dirt and grime building up on the furnishing items causes it to lose its charm and vibrance. The upholstered units that had been the core items accentuating the décor of the interior space now seem to be the main thing dragging it down. When was the last time you had an upholstery cleaning done? Not just vacuuming and wiping away greasy smudges, but rather a deep clean that flushes out the gunk that is buried within the cushions and fabric? For many homeowners, it can be over a year, yet through this time the state of the furnishings will be slowly deteriorating. A professional cleaning session is key to bring back that lost look and feel.