Why is acrylic furniture so expensive?  Why does the  acrylic stands custom of the same size have such a big price difference because it is only a matter of material? Maolin will give you an analysis of the reasons:


1. Production cost of acrylic display stands

The cost is the most important factor that cannot be ignored. The cost here mainly refers to labor costs and material costs. With the rise of the current economic level, the proportion of labor costs in the production of acrylic display stand manufacturers is getting higher and higher, and the rising wages of workers are also doomed to increase the labor cost allocated to the production of products. In terms of materials, different drawing sizes and material requirements require the use of different hardware, lamps, decoration, and structural materials. The difference between materials also causes the price difference of acrylic display stands.


2. Installation cost of acrylic display stands

The cost factors that affect the price of acrylic products mainly include installation fees and transportation costs. Installing display stands in shopping malls is usually a race against time. The installation work of the installer is very time-consuming and laborious, the installation cost remains high, and the installation cost of the complex display rack is even more expensive. Acrylic display rack manufacturers usually go through cargo transportation to merchant stores. Logistics costs are unavoidable. As for the level, it depends on the difference between regions.


3. The price of custom acrylic display stand

Some customers are different from most products on the market because their products are designed and produced by themselves, and products of different brands are also very different. Therefore, the acrylic display stand needs to be customized, and the personnel cost will increase at this time, and an experienced appearance designer and structural designer are required. Different molds must be cut during production, which will increase some costs. If it is not tailor-made, buy some popular display racks, it will be cheaper.
