Zurich Airport To Grossmünster Transfer With Professional Chauffeur

About Grossmünster

1. History: In the center of Zurich stands the Romanesque-style church known as Grossmünster. One of the four principal churches in the city, it was constructed in the 12th century. The 16th-century Swiss Reformation was significantly influenced by the church.

2. Architecture: The church has two towers, a simple, austere interior, and lovely stained glass windows. It is possible to climb the north tower, which provides a superb view of the city and the lake.

3. Art: Grossmünster is home to several important works of art, including stained glass windows designed by Augusto Giacometti and a bronze statue of Charlemagne by the Swiss sculptor Otto Münch.

4. Location: Grossmünster is located in the Old Town of Zurich, on the banks of the Limmat River. It is within walking distance of other popular tourist attractions, such as Fraumünster and the Swiss National Museum.

5. Services: Grossmünster is an active church and offers regular worship services and concerts. Visitors are welcome to attend the services and explore the church’s rich history and architecture.

6. Admission: Visitors are welcome to enter the church for free during opening hours. Guided tours are also available for a fee.