• $10000

Anti-Fingerprint Hairline Finish Stainless Steel

Anti-fingerprint hairline finish stainless steel is achieved through a combination of mechanical brushing and coating technologies. It has a smooth, matte surface that resists fingerprints and smudges, commonly used in high-end appliances and architectural applications.


Types of Anti-Fingerprint Hairline Finish Stainless Steel

201 Anti-Fingerprint Stainless Steel


How Can You Tell If A Material Is Anti-Fingerprint Hairline Finish Stainless Steel?

To tell if a material is anti-fingerprint hairline finish stainless steel, look for the following characteristics:


1. Matte and hairline finish: Anti-fingerprint hairline finish stainless steel has a distinctive matte finish with hairline texture that gives a unique look.


2. Resistance to fingerprints and smudges: This type of stainless steel has a special coating that provides resistance to fingerprints and smudges.


3. Marking: The product label may indicate that the material is anti-fingerprint or hairline finish stainless steel.


4. Durability: Anti-fingerprint hairline finish stainless steel is known for its durability and resistance to scratches and wear and tear.


5. Hygiene: Stainless steel is non-porous, making it resistant to bacteria and germs, which makes it an excellent material for high-traffic areas.


If you are unsure whether the material is anti-fingerprint hairline finish stainless steel, consult the manufacturer or supplier for more information.