BizTalk Logic App Migration

BizTalk Azure is modernizing at a much slower pace than other, which is a bit of a problem.  Microsoft Azure has Linux boxes. And for servers you always have to pay regardless of platform. Azure is far the easiest provider you have ever used. From a usability perspective, it is mostly used over AWS, discount hosts etc. Things that can be pain in advanced setups are drop-dead simple in Azure. You can definitely rely on the service and the service provider. There are a lot more services and the world is moving to where every decision is data driven. Expert knowledge is always a priority when you come to any situation demanding inspection, and luck favors to understand the process complexity. A unified solution to handle a hybrid approach is necessary. It should be able to handle big data and disparate data sources effectively. Thus, you can save valuable resources and avoid learning multiple user interfaces and complexity of maintaining multiple architectures.