Cheap Hublot Replica Watches

Hands On:Cheap Hublot Classic Fusion Concrete Jungle Limited Edition Replica Watches

At the end of last year, Hublot replica watches released the latest ode to New York City, aptly named Classic Fusion Concrete Jungle Limited Edition, and immediately after the original “concrete jungle” released in 2016, it quickly attracted people’s attention with its unique structure. Its materials include concrete, epoxy resin, fiberglass, titanium and ceramics, and are combined with Hublot replica’s experimental “Art of Fusion” principle. On the whole, the role of the watch is to recall the industrial style of the “urban jungle” that inspired it.

Replica Classic Fusion Concrete Jungle Limited EditionReplica Classic Fusion Concrete Jungle Limited Edition

The 45mm x 13.85mm case of this luxury replica watch is mainly made of 65-75% high-quality cement, although the material mixture also includes 25-30% epoxy resin, which replaces water and 5-10% in standard concrete Glass fiber instead of steel used to reinforce concrete and some ceramic, titanium and steel components.