Closed Loop Extractor

Product Description

What is a closed loop extractor?


The closed-loop extractor uses subcritical fluid as the extractant. The closed-loop extractor is a machine that can extract cannabinoids such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD) and terpenes from cannabis plant materials, so it is also called BHO extractor, subcritical extractor.


The closed loop extractor is the most advanced and safest system that can be used to make all types of cannabis concentrates, including crushed, crumbs, live resins and isolates. Compared with other separation methods, the closed-loop extractor has many advantages: non-toxic, harmless, environmentally friendly, non-polluting, non-thermal processing, retaining the active ingredients of the extract without damage or oxidation, large capacity, energy saving, low operating cost, easy to process the product is separated.


Closed loop extraction is not only used in the cannabis extraction industry. The industry also uses this extraction method to extract essential oils for food additives and perfumes. In recent years, the closed-loop extraction method has become a very popular cannabis extraction method. The closed-loop extraction method has high efficiency, clean products, and safer.


Advantages of closed loop extractor


The closed-loop extraction uses an extraction vessel that is completely closed to the outside atmosphere, so the hydrocarbon solvent used in the extraction will never come into contact with the air. The solvent circulates through the system to repeatedly wash the hemp plant material. This repeated washing extracts as much cannabinoids as possible.

The cannabis industry chooses closed-loop extraction systems because they are safer, more efficient, more cost-effective, and produce higher quality products.

1. Security

Although experts in the cannabis industry consider closed-loop extractors to be one of the most dangerous methods of extracting cannabinoids, because hydrocarbon solvents are flammable pressurized gases. But in a closed loop system, if the equipment is maintained and operated in accordance with appropriate standards, there will be no leakage. The closed system can operate safely and comply with OSHA standards.

2. Efficient

The fully enclosed solvent in the closed loop extraction equipment has a higher pressure capacity. The greater the pressure, the longer the interface time between the hydrocarbon solvent and the cannabis plant material. High pressure allows maximum extraction of cannabinoids. The closed loop system can better regulate the temperature. Being able to control the temperature is crucial, because temperature directly controls the solubility of cannabinoids. The closed-loop extractor also prevents the solvent from evaporating into the atmosphere and allows the solvent to be used multiple times without recharging.

3. Cost saving

The closed loop extraction system is closed. Ideally, no hydrocarbon solvents leak into the atmosphere. The equipment operator can continuously reuse the solvent for extraction after extraction. Closed-loop extractors can save companies a lot of solvent procurement costs.

4. Higher product quality

The closed loop extractor provides precise control of the pressure and temperature in the system to produce the strongest and purest cannabis concentrate. Vacuum purging and heating can remove most or all of the solvent residues, so many consumers also regard by-products as the safest way to eat.