• $273

Fimmvorduhals Hiking Tour

If you are looking for a once-in-a-lifetime experience in Iceland, you might be looking for this Fimmvorduhals Hiking Tour. This 25 km hiking tour will take the thrill and adrenaline rush to a new level. Fimmvorduhals Hike is one of the most popular hikes in Iceland, among tourists and locals. This is a hike that every Icelander dream about and some of us even do it once every summer. The Fimmvorduhals Hiking Tour will take you hiking from Skogafoss waterfall in South Iceland to Þórsmörk Nature Reserve in the highlands of Iceland. You will be hiking up Skogafoss and see numerous of other small and large waterfalls on the way. The hike will take you between two volcanoes, glaciers, lava fields and so much more. Fimmvorduhals pass is known for its short but difficult to conquer pathway, the magnificent views that await you and the radiating thrill.