HIFU vs Cryolipolysis: Which is better for fat loss?

Cryolipolysis FDA approval is a procedure for local slimming and is very safe and is performed by a specialist in some slimming centers. In the cryolipolysis method, freezing temperature is used to destroy fat cells. In this method, the cold does not damage other cells except the fat cells, so it does not damage the skin or the underlying tissue. Bestview Laser is a China cryolipolysis machine manufacturer, we have cryolipolysis fat freezing machine for sale.


The frozen cells gradually shrink and are eliminated from the body through the liver within a few months. Since fat cells do not regenerate, it can be expected that the reduced body size and local slimming in the treated area will remain with the person forever. This method is especially effective for fat bulges in the upper and lower abdomen, side areas (love handles), arms and inner and outer thighs.


Does cryolipolysis have side effects?


Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive procedure, so it does not require incisions, anesthesia or drugs that can cause an allergic reaction. This means that the rate of complications and side effects is very low compared to invasive procedures such as liposuction. But you may experience the following temporary side effects during and after cryolipolysis:

1.Tingling sensation.


3.A bruise.

4.Skin redness.

5.Local pain.





But these side effects are very minor and usually well tolerated. They usually last for few days or a month depending on the area being treated and the patient.


Tips to reduce cryolipolysis treatment discomfort


Talk to your specialist about ways you can reduce pain and other side effects during and after the procedure. The specialist may use a massage on the target area to help increase the efficiency of the fat freezing process while limiting side effects.


Pain medications are not usually given for this procedure, as this type of procedure is not a surgical procedure. or anesthesia is not used. However, your doctor may recommend over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen if you experience any pain or swelling. 


Introductions after cryolipolysis treatment


After treatment, it is recommended to eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water and supplement it with regular exercise to maintain an ideal weight. Other than that, there are no special instructions because this local slimming method is very simple.


How many sessions of cryolipolysis are needs for local slimming?


The number of treatments required varies from patient to patient. If you need more treatment, the specialist will recommend a second treatment at least one month after the first session.


How long will it take to see the size reduction effects after a cryolipolysis session?


Changes are usually visible after 2 weeks. But the full effect of a cryolipolysis session can be seen after 2-4 months.


Who are the right candidates for using cryolipolysis local slimming method? And in which areas of the body can this method be used?


If you have a fit body, but there are hard fat bulges or cellulite in some areas of your body, which do not respond to exercise or a healthy diet, and also do not necessarily require surgery, you can use this method. These areas include arms, shoulders, bra line, stomach and sides, thighs and hips.


Pregnant or lactating people, people who are prone to severe bleeding, and people who have grade 2 or higher obesity, and heart patients are not suitable for using this non-invasive cryolipolysis machine for local slimming.


Review of studies on the use of cryolipolysis method for local slimming


Research generally shows that cryolipolysis is a relatively safe and effective treatment for local fat removal. A 2015 study published in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery analyzed 19 previous studies on the use of cryolipolysis slimming devices. The results of this study showed that when fat reduction was measured with a caliper device, subjects lost an average of 14.67 to 28.5 percent of fat in the areas treated with cryolipolysis. When these studies measured fat by ultrasound, subjects lost 10.3 to 25.5 percent of fat in the target area.


Is size reduction with cryolipolysis permanent?


The results are considered permanent in the treated areas. However, if you don’t maintain your weight, fat is likely to accumulate in other areas. A proper diet combined with physical activity ensures permanent optimal results.


Although this procedure can remove areas of fat, it is not a miracle cure and people should not expect to get rid of the entire fat. This method will not work for everyone, and some people may experience worse side effects than others.


Lifestyle and other factors may also play a role in the final outcome. A person who maintains an unhealthy diet and remains sedentary while undergoing cryolipolysis should expect less fat loss. Likewise, cryolipolysis cannot tighten loose skin.


HIFU vs Cryolipolysis : Which is better for fat loss?


As the pursuit of a lean physique continues, non-invasive treatments like HIFU and cryolipolysis have emerged as popular options for reducing unwanted fat without surgery. Both treatments are safe and well-tolerated, but they have differences that make them better suited for specific individuals and areas of the body.


HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that uses ultrasound waves to target and break down fat cells in specific areas of the body. The treatment requires no incisions or anesthesia and can be used to treat smaller areas such as the chin, knees, and arms. HIFU also has a skin-tightening effect due to the production of collagen and elastin fibers. While results may not be as dramatic as traditional liposuction, many patients report noticeable reductions in fat after one to three sessions lasting between 30 and 60 minutes.


Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that uses controlled cooling to freeze and destroy fat cells in targeted areas of the body. The procedure requires no surgery or anesthesia, and it’s typically used to treat larger areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, and thighs. Patients typically need one to three sessions lasting between 35 and 60 minutes, and results may take several weeks to become apparent as the body eliminates the destroyed fat cells. Cryolipolysis is generally safe and well-tolerated, with mild side effects such as temporary numbness, redness, bruising, or swelling in the treated area. However, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle for long-term weight management.


Treatment area:

A factor to consider is which areas are treatable. Cryolipolysis is typically used to treat larger areas of unwanted fat, such as the abdomen, hips, and thighs. It is also effective for reducing “love handles” or “muffin tops.” On the other hand, HIFU is generally used to target smaller areas, such as under the chin, the neck, or around the knees. It can also be used to treat cellulite.


Treatment time:

Treatment time and frequency are also important factors to consider. Cryolipolysis typically requires one to three treatments per area, with each session lasting 35-60 minutes. HIFU, on the other hand, typically requires one to three sessions, with each session lasting 30-60 minutes. The exact number of treatments required may depend on the individual and the area being treated.



When it comes to results, both treatments can produce noticeable reductions in fat. However, the results may vary depending on the individual and the area being treated. Cryolipolysis fat freezing results can take several weeks to show up as the body’s lymphatic system gradually eliminates the dead fat cells. HIFU results may also take several weeks to become apparent, but the treatment can also have a skin-tightening effect in addition to fat reduction.


Side effects:

While both treatments are generally safe and well-tolerated, there can be some side effects. Cryolipolysis may cause temporary numbness, redness, bruising, or swelling in the treated area. HIFU may cause mild discomfort during the procedure and some redness or swelling afterward.


It is worth noting that both treatments are not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet and regular exercise remain the most effective ways to maintain a healthy weight and body composition. These non-invasive treatments can complement a healthy lifestyle, but they should not be relied upon as the primary method for weight loss or body shaping.


A qualified healthcare provider or aesthetician can help you determine which treatment is best for you and develop a customized treatment plan that aligns with your specific needs and goals. They can also provide information on the risks and benefits of each treatment, as well as what to expect during and after the procedure.