Hot Air Oven Cabinet Manufacturer – Presto Group

Presto Group is a reputed manufacturer and supplier of Hot Air Oven Cabinet instruments in India and abroad. They offer high-quality testing instruments that are used to test the effects of high temperature on various materials and products. Hot Air Oven Cabinet instruments are designed to create a controlled environment of dry heat that can simulate the aging, heat deformation, and heat resistance of the materials. Presto Group provides Hot Air Oven Cabinet instruments that are accurate, reliable, easy to use, and comply with international standards. 


They have a double-walled chamber that is made of stainless steel from inside and powder-coated mild steel from outside. The chamber is insulated with mineral glass wool to prevent heat loss and ensure uniform temperature distribution. They can test various types of materials such as plastics, rubber, paper, metals, textiles, and more. They can perform various types of tests such as heat deformation, compression set, heat resistance, sterilization, and more.


Presto Group has more than 40 years of experience in providing quality testing instruments and solutions to customers across India and abroad. Presto Group has branches in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi, and also exports its products to various countries. Presto Group is committed to delivering high-quality products and services at competitive prices. For more information about Presto Group and its Hot Air Oven machines, please visit their website or contact them at +91 9210 903 903 or [email protected].

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