• $500

Most FAQ’s About Laser Tattoo Removal

Are you tired of that ink on your skin that you wish you never got? Well, you’re not alone. Many folks contemplate laser tattoo removal as a way to part ways with their unwanted ink.


Let’s have a casual chat about how this laser tattoo removal thing actually works and answer some questions you might have, so you can decide if it’s your cup of tea.


How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?


Picture this: laser tattoo removal is like sending little bursts of laser light to break up with your tattoo. The light gets absorbed by the ink in your skin, and voilà, it shatters those ink bits into tiny pieces.


Then, your body steps in as the hero, flushing out these itty-bitty ink fragments, bidding farewell to your tattoo forever.


Does It Hurt?

Okay, let’s get real. Most people say it feels like a rubber band snapping on your skin or maybe a splatter of hot bacon grease. But here’s the kicker: it’s not as bad as you might think.


If you could endure the tattooing process, this is a walk in the park. Plus, clinics often bring out the big guns like cold air, numbing creams, or lidocaine to ease the pre-laser jitters. The first session is usually the ‘get to know each other’ stage, and it’s the trickiest.


How Long Does Laser Tattoo Removal Take?


Well, time varies depending on your tattoo’s size. A small one can be zapped in just a few seconds, even those mega tattoos that took ages to ink can be sorted in a matter of minutes.


What Are Side Effects to Worry About?


After the laser dance, you might see some redness and puffiness around the tattoo, but that’s just a brief post-treatment party. There’s also this thing called hypopigmentation, where your skin gets a little lighter, but don’t fret, it usually bounces back in a couple of weeks.


Does It Cause Scars?


Let’s avoid that, shall we? Follow the golden rule: no picking or popping burns or blisters. Most folks walk away without any scar tales, and if your body’s a quick healer, even better.


What’s The Cost?


Now, money talks. The cost depends on the tattoo size, but laser tattoo removal in Dubai, it kicks off at around AED 500 per session. Do you want to save some dough? Bundle up those sessions.


Does Laser Tattoo Removal Cause Blistering or Bruising?


You might see a little bruising right after the treatment, but it usually bids adieu fast. As your skin heals, you might spot some blisters. Resist the urge to pop ’em; it’s the highway to scab town and possible scars.


Does the Location of the Tattoo Matter?


Anywhere on your bod is game, except for those delicate spots near your eyes. But don’t sweat it; a chat with a licensed tech during your consult will clear that up.


Does the Size of the Tattoo Matter?


Size-wise, doesn’t matter if it’s a tiny star or a colossal dragon, laser removal can handle it. Just know the bigger the tattoo, the longer the sessions.


How Many Laser Tattoo Removal Treatments Will I Need?


Ah, the magic number – it depends on factors like your tattoo’s size, its location, the ink colors, the type of ink, how long it’s been there, and your skin type. Most tattoos wave goodbye after four to twelve sessions.


Can the Laser Remove My Tattoo Completely?


Laser removal can be your ticket to a complete tattoo breakup or just lightening things up for a cover-up. Certain inks like black are easier to remove. With a few sessions, most folks see their tattoo vanish into thin air.


How Do I Prepare for Laser Tattoo Removal?


Before the laser show, stay out of the sun and skip the tanning. Shaving, waxing, and exfoliating are also no-nos before the treatment. Smokers, consider quitting; it speeds up the healing.


What Should I Do After Treatment?


No sun, ease up on the exercise, watch the booze, and hydrate like it’s your job. Dehydration slows healing and raises infection risk. Also, steer clear of hot tubs, long baths, high-pressure water, and shaving the treated area for a bit.


How Active Can I Be After My Tattoo Removal?


If you’re a gym rat, be prepared for a little swelling. Small tattoos might need a day or two of chill time, while larger ones could mean four days sans exercise.


Is It Safe?


Absolutely, but there’s a catch. Only let a licensed, certified laser whiz handle your tattoo removal. If you’re iffy about it, have a chat with your friendly dermatologist and the laser pro before diving in.


Can I Get Tattoo Removal During Pregnancy?


While we’re at it, no laser tattoo removal while you’re preggers. There’s not enough info about how lasers affect the little ones, so it’s best to wait until you’ve welcomed your bundle of joy and finished breastfeeding.




Laser is the go-to for permanent results, but there are these DIY tattoo removal creams floating around. Just remember, they only work for some.


So, there you have it, the lowdown on laser tattoo removal. If you’re thinking about it, have a chat with the pros. They’ll help you decide if it’s the right move for you. Cheers to a fresh canvas!