Paper GSM Checking Machine Manufacturer – Presto Group

Presto Group is a well-known company that manufactures and supplies testing equipment and instruments for various industries, including the paper and packaging industry. One of the products that Presto Group offers for the paper and packaging industry is the Paper GSM Checking Machine, which is a device that measures the grammage or basis weight of paper and other materials. Grammage is the mass per unit area of a material and is expressed in grams per square meter (g/m2) or GSM. Grammage is an important parameter that affects the quality, performance, and cost of the material.


The Presto Paper GSM Checking Machine is a digital device that uses a circular cutter to cut a sample of 100 cm2 area from the material to be tested. The sample is then weighed on a digital balance that displays the weight in grams. The weight of the sample is then divided by the area to obtain the GSM value of the material. The Presto Paper GSM Checking Machine can measure the GSM of various materials, such as paper, board, fabric, film, etc.


Presto Group has more than 40 years of experience in providing quality testing solutions to customers across India and abroad. Presto Group has branches in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi, and also exports its products to various countries. Presto Group is committed to delivering high-quality products and services at competitive prices. For more information about Presto Group and its Paper GSM Checking Machine, please visit [their website] or contact them at +91 9210 903 903 or [email protected].