• $50

Particle Size

What is Particle Size and Particle Size Distribution?

Particle size indicates how small (or big) a particle is. The unit is usually mm, μm or nm. The particle diameter is the most common parameter usually used to describe particle size. Particle size distribution is characterized as a percentage of the number of particles in a specific size range compared to the total number of the particles. Particle size distribution can be expressed in many ways based on different criteria, including number, diameter, area, volume, and mass. Particle size distribution as measured by laser diffraction is most commonly based on volume. Particle size and particle size distribution are the major analysis parameter of particle size measurement equipment (also called “particle size analyzer”).


The main parameter for the characterization of droplets in emulsions or particles in suspensions is the particle size distribution. We offer a variety of different instruments and methods for tackling different challenges in applications, regardless if they are to be used in quality control or research and development. Bettersize Instruments Ltd is a famous Chinese particle size analyzer suppliers, Bettersize will offer you better particle size solutions.