San Diego Employment Lawyer : The Essence Of “Employable At Will”

Being “employable at will” is an important thing that both employers and employees should know about rights here is San Diego employment lawyer. This phrase means that either the employer or the employee can end the job relationship at any time, for any legal reason, and without giving any notice.

Both sides need to be clear on what their rights and responsibilities are in this agreement. However, there are some exceptions and legal limits, and it’s important to get help from a San Diego wrongful termination lawyer to handle this properly.

This level of flexibility is typical of jobs in California, including those in San Diego. For workers, “employable at will” means they can quit their jobs without worrying about getting in trouble with the law. On the other hand, employers can fire someone without giving them a reason or advance notice. 


Employers and employees in San Diego need to understand the nuances of “employable at will” employment to have fair and open working relationships. Legal counsel at employment law firm can give you the information you need to make sure that everyone is safe within the law.