Sturdy plastic reusable seed starting trays

Sturdy plastic reusable seed starting trays

Reusable seed starting trays are containers with small compartments, or cells, that are used to start plants from seeds or cuttings. They are often used by gardeners, farmers, and horticulturalists to grow seed or propagules before transplanting them into a larger container or directly into the ground.

The seed starting base trays is a larger tray that is placed underneath the seed tray to catch excess water that drains from the seed tray. This helps to prevent overwatering and keep the seedlings healthy. The base tray can be used for hydroponic growing, where plants grown in a nutrient-rich water solution instead of soil.

The transparent dome is a clear plastic or glass cover that is placed over the seed tray to create a humid and warm environment for the seedlings. The transparent nature of the dome allows the gardener to easily see the growth and development of the seedlings without having to remove the cover. The humidity and warmth provided by the dome can help to promote healthy germination and growth of the seedlings.