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Tattoos and Sun Safety

If you’ve ever gotten a tattoo, you’ve heard the whole rant on tattoo care, which includes sun protection. 

Solar safety is no joke, especially if you’re inked. Sun exposure can cause serious skin damage throughout life, including premature aging and even skin cancer.1 if you have a tattoo; you probably want it to look its best, so it’s a good one. Idea to pay a little more attention when it comes to sun protection.

 Since the sun’s ultraviolet rays are harmful to the skin, many tattooed people choose to apply sunscreen to their body art to keep it from fading. Professional tattooists recommend keeping your tattoo covered for the first three months. Once the healing period is over, sunscreen should be applied carefully before going outdoors.Risk factorsAll tattoos fade over time, but exposure to the sun can seriously speed up the fading process. Generally speaking, the lighter the ink, the faster the tattoo will fade. Dark colors like black, blue, and purple take longer to fade, while colors like red, pink, yellow, green, and orange are more likely to fade and require more attention. Location is also an important factor to consider. It’s easy to forget to protect your tattoo if it’s located on a part of the body that you can’t see, like your shoulder or back. You tattoo may be out of sight, but it definitely shouldn’t be out of your mind. If you’re in a hard-to-reach spot, ask someone else to apply SPF if that helps.Protect your tattoo with a quality sunscreenThere are quite a few sunscreens that are labeled as tattoo specialty sunscreens, but they are not victims of marketing jargon. Any sunscreen will work fine. We recommended using products from Inkeeze products the best sunscreen for a tattoo is the same that you would use for the rest of your body. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using an SPF of at least 30 for maximum sun protection.You also want to use a sunscreen that offers broad spectrum protection, which means it protects against both UVA and UVB rays. SPF denotes protection against UVB rays or burning rays. A broad spectrum sunscreen also protects the skin from UVA rays or the rays that cause premature aging and skin cancer.Sun tanningSome people are especially careful when applying sunscreen to a tattoo, but neglect the rest of their body. If you don’t apply sunscreen diligently, you greatly increase your risk of developing skin cancer and melanoma, the most aggressive, not to mention deadly, form of skin cancer. It is important to know that there is no safe tan. Unless, of course,you use a topical sunless tanning product. Spray bronzers, self-tanning creams,and bronzers are simple, achievable ways to get that sun-kissed glow withoutrisking skin cancer, and they’re also tattoo-safe and non-fading.