Tips to Install Auto Cleaning Toilet

When looking to install an auto-cleaning toilet, you might have many choices, including brand loyalty, price, or performance. Whatever your decision, there are some tips to keep in mind when installing a toilet cleaner. After all, the toilet bowl should be clean to prevent harmful germs and bacteria from growing and spreading, so you want it to be as safe as possible. In addition to being an excellent investment, a toilet cleaner can help you save time!

First, it is essential to remember to use a heavy-duty toilet brush. This brush can get into nooks and crevices, so use a pair of heavy-duty gloves. Also, don’t forget to wipe the sides of the toilet since they can get soiled easily. You can also use a disposable toothbrush to clean the hinge of the toilet seat. To make cleaning easier, mark your toothbrush with the specific purpose and store it separately from the rest of the toothbrushes.


Next, you should decide what type of cleaning solution you want. Some automatic toilet cleaners are designed to tackle stain removal and disinfection. Usually, disinfection involves using high concentrations of chlorine bleach, but you can also opt for a green alternative, such as citric acid or baking soda. These two factors are significant, especially during times of illness at home. You’ll want to choose a toilet cleaner that will be environmentally friendly and safe for your children.