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What does Redness after a Hair Transplant Indicate?

Experiencing redness after hair transplant surgery? Know why redness occurs after hair transplant and post-treatment guidelines to reduce the redness caused by hair transplant. Redness after a hair transplant surgery occurs due to the transplantation of hair follicles and the healing process. Experiencing redness after a hair restoration surgery is completely normal and it takes anywhere between one and three weeks for it to disappear. Unfortunately, patients with a lighter skin colour are at a higher risk. The hair transplant procedure involves the extraction of follicular units of your hair from the donor area, one by one. The surgeon makes a small, circular incision with the help of a micro-needle around the hair follicles. The hair follicles are then pulled out, leaving a tiny hole in the skin. Each follicle unit contains one to four hairs. These follicular unit grafts are then transplanted into the balding areas of your head, where they are bound to grow into healthy hair follicles.