What is body contouring with Emsculpt?

Stubborn fat that just won’t go away is a prevalent problem for many adults, but surgical solutions involve significant side effects, risks, and recovery time. Instead, Emsculpt body contouring is an innovative treatment that can achieve your ideal figure. Emsculpt technology goes beyond removing excess body fat and does so while improving muscle definition and tone for additional cosmetic enhancements. Emsculpt machine also tightens the skin to newly enhanced contours for a smoother, firmer complexion. Since the treatment is non-invasive, you may return to your daily routine immediately, though you may feel soreness in the treatment areas for a few days.

Emsculpt for body contouring

Emsculpt body sculpting is a procedure to reduce excess body fat and add definition to muscles for a slimmer, more contoured figure. This technology combines radiofrequency energy and high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology (HIFEM) energy to improve and emphasize natural body contours. 

Radiofrequency energy heats the muscles by several degrees to prepare them for contractions that are similar to exercise, which will enhance muscle strength and tone. This process also heats fat cells, causing them to break down. The body will remove the broken-down fat cells through natural filtration systems.

An additional benefit of Emsculpt slim beauty is skin tightening, which occurs when the heat application stimulates collagen production within the skin. While this enhancement may take several weeks or months to become visibly noticeable, the skin continues to tighten as collagen builds up over time after each treatment session.

If you want to have a slimmer and more muscular body, EMSCULPT is an impressive body contouring treatment that works without surgery or invasive procedures. The treatment stimulates muscle movement to burn fat and build muscle like no other treatment. Emsculpt can help those who are looking to lose an inch or more off of their waistline and are already healthy.

Emsculpt treatment areas and results

Emsculpt is non-invasive, so it may take several weeks for initial results to become apparent. After four sessions, final results typically become apparent about three months after the last treatment session. However, additional treatments every three to six months may be recommended to maintain Emsculpt enhancements if a patient’s weight is stable.

Emsculpt treatments could target body areas that tend to hold excess fat, including the buttocks and abdomen, as well as tone the upper arms and calves for both men and women. Since this treatment is non-surgical, patients may resume their daily routine immediately after a session, with minor skin redness and soreness.

Learn more about Emsculpt body contouring

In situations where diet and exercise do not achieve minimal body fat and maximum muscle tone, Emsculpt is the best non-invasive body contouring treatment for achieving your ideal figure and tightening your skin. This innovative treatment contracts your muscles to simulate the effects of squats, crunches, and other exercises.

Despite most patients needing several treatments to achieve ideal fat loss, each session typically takes only half an hour with little to no side effects afterward. Reach out for an Emsculpt consultation if you struggle with excess, stubborn body fat and declining muscle tone.

Are you not seeing flat and toned abs and a slimmer waist after diet and exercise? If you are already in good health but could use some help to reach the abs you dream of, body contouring with Emsculpt can help you reach your goal. Emsculpt treatment can be performed quickly and without the need for any surgery or invasive procedures.

How does Emsculpt work?

Body contouring uses an electromagnetic technology called Emsculpt. The device causes this flex, called a supramaximal contraction, and repeats the movement up to 20,000 times during a 30-minute session. The energy required to do this causes the fat in the target area to be metabolized by the body and broken down.

This session would be like doing 20,000 crunches, making it an efficient method to burn fat and build muscle in a short amount of time. Emsculpt is the only treatment that is FDA-approved to build muscle.

Who is a good Emsculpt candidate?

Emsculpt is an excellent treatment for those looking to lose a small amount of body fat and build muscle in the target area but who already have a healthy body weight. The Emsculpt treatment is good for those who have tried to get slim and solid abs through working out and proper diet but need a little bit of help to reach the goal.

What are the benefits of Emsculpt treatment?

Patients who select the Emsculpt treatment for their body contouring needs can expect muscle growth and fat loss. The target area will remain firm and tight without loose skin.

The muscles will grow and can be more visible after Emsculpt treatment. The treatment can burn around an inch of fat from the waist and will create a more toned and slender body.

What to expect of Emsculpt treatment

If you think Emsculpt is right for you, you can set a consultation appointment with a specialist. The specialist will address your needs and create the body contouring treatment that is right for you. If you are looking to lose a significant amount of weight, there may be another treatment that would better address your needs prior to Emsculpt. When your specialist determine Emsculpt is right for you and properly identify an end goal, we can begin treatment.

How its done of Emsculpt contouring

The specialist will use Emsculpt to properly stimulate the target area and cause muscle growth and weight loss. The treatment may consist of more than one session spaced one week apart until your goal has been met.

Most participants do not need to use Emsculpt again after reaching their target goal, but retouches can be conducted if needed. For the longest-lasting results with Emsculpt, patients should continue a healthy lifestyle after treatment.

How effective is Emsculpt?

Emsculpt provides dramatic results in muscle growth and fat loss. Participants experience a more slim and muscular target area without laxity in the skin. Emsculpt provides an average fat loss of 15% and average muscle growth of 16% in the target area.

Most users are satisfied with the Emsculpt treatment, and you may begin to see results after your first session. The fat loss and muscle growth from the sculpting look natural because the change occurs over several sessions spaced one week apart.

Emsculpt does not require any surgery or invasive procedures to provide dramatic results. The treatment is quick and effective for both men and women. A single session takes only 30 minutes.

Is Emsculpt safe?

The Emsculpt treatment is safe and effective. There are no lasers, needles, anesthetics, surgery, or suction devices involved. The treatment is non-invasive and causes no damage to the skin.

After Emsculpt treatment, patients may only feel a bit of tenderness in the muscles like you might experience after an intense workout. There is no discomfort during the treatment, and no downtime or healing time after a session.

Can Emsculpt be combined with other treatments?

Emsculpt is effective for removing a small amount of fat from the abs, but it is also effective for performing a butt-lift procedure with no surgery. The treatment can also be used to greatly enhance the results of other treatments.

Those being treated with liposuction to remove unwanted fat can also benefit from the toning and muscle building effects of Emsculpt.