What is picosecond laser skin repair?

One of our most popular lasers, picosecond laser offers cutting-edge laser technology that can transform your skin. Bestview laser is a China picosecond laser in laser beauty equipment manufacturer, we have CE certification picosecond laser machine for sale.


Let’s start with pigmentation. If you struggle with age spots, sun spots, freckles, melasma, or light acne scars, the picosecond laser can help. The picosecond laser’s ultra-short pulses, such as pigment, break apart the targeted cells, causing them to expand and break apart into smaller particles rapidly.


Picosecond laser for radiant skin


But that’s not all. Picosecond laser tattoo removal machine can also rejuvenate your skin and give it a more youthful, radiant appearance. This is because the picosecond laser stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, the essential proteins that keep your skin firm and elastic. This can lead to a noticeable improvement in texture and tone and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.


We have seen picosecond laser patients who have said they receive compliments on their skin’s appearance, even without makeup.


Picosecond laser is a versatile and effective treatment for various cosmetic concerns. However, as with any cosmetic procedure, it’s always best to come for a consultation before opting for treatment. Nevertheless, we have seen the incredible results that picosecond can deliver, and we are confident that it can also transform your skin.


Benefits of picosecond laser


The several advantages of picosecond laser are:-

1.High energy density

2.Highly specific to the smaller particles

3.More efficient in delivering energy to tissues

4.Less thermal damage to surrounding tissues

5.Fast treatment as compared to other

6.The safest laser device

7.Satisfactory results in a few sessions


Application of picosecond laser


There are multiple applications of picosecond laser in aesthetics, with continuous development and improvement picosecond laser is considered the best laser for treating the pigmented lesions, permanent tattoo ink, and removing the pigment of different colors which are not very successful with other lasers.


Which laser is best for sun damage removal?


Picosecond laser can help fix sun damage on your skin. The picosecond laser sends out tiny, quick bursts of light that help to break apart the damaged skin cells caused by too much sun. Picosecond can reverse the action by breaking down the pigmentation. The process helps your skin look smoother and healthier, like getting rid of freckles and turning sunburns away faster. Most patients need 3-5 sessions to get the best possible results. Below, we will review more specific skin concerns that we can help with a picosecond laser:


1.Brown spots removal with picosecond laser

Picosecond laser therapy can address hyperpigmentation like brown spots resulting from sun damage. Picosecond laser utilizes short pulses of laser light to target and disrupt the pigmented skin cells, reducing the appearance of brown spots and improving overall skin tone and texture. As always, we remind all patients to note that the results of picosecond laser therapy may vary, and multiple treatment sessions may be necessary to achieve the desired outcome.


2.Melasma removal with picosecond laser

Melasma is a common skin condition that causes hyperpigmentation or dark, discolored patches on the skin. With picosecond laser therapy, we can target and disrupt the pigmented skin cells, helping to reduce the appearance of melasma and improve overall skin tone and texture. However, we recommend you receive a consultation first to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may contribute to the development of melasma.


3.Freckles removal with picosecond laser

Freckles are small, flat brown spots that appear on the skin and are often caused by sun exposure. While many people love freckles, some may want to eliminate them. This is where picosecond laser can help reduce freckles’ appearance and improve overall skin tone and texture. Picosecond laser’s ability to break down hyperpigmentation is what makes the difference.


4.Discoloration treatment with picosecond laser

Various factors, such as sun exposure, hormonal changes, or certain medical conditions, can cause skin discoloration. We use a picosecond laser to apply short pulses of light energy to target discoloration. However, you must come for a consultation first so we can decide if picosecond laser is the best course of action to address your skin concerns.


5.Port-wine stains removal with picosecond laser

Port-wine stains are a type of birthmark that can be treated with pulsed-dye laser therapy, picosecond or IPL. However, it’s almost impossible to be sure before a consultation where a skincare professional can examine your skin. That being said, we always find a way to get the results that you desire.


6.Cherry-angiomas removal with picosecond laser

Picosecond laser treatment can treat cherry angiomas, common skin growths that appear as small, bright red or purple spots on the skin. As always, Picosecond laser delivers ultra-short energy pulses to the skin to break down the blood vessels, causing the cherry angioma. Given the right amount of treatments, the process leads to the spot fading and eventually disappearing.


7.Dark spot removal with picosecond laser

Picosecond laser treatment can treat dark spots or hyperpigmentation on the skin by breaking down the excess pigment in the affected areas and allowing the skin to heal and lighten naturally. However, the effectiveness of the treatment can depend on various factors, such as the cause of hyperpigmentation, the severity of the condition, and the individual’s skin type and tone. Therefore, it’s best to book a consultation for a proper evaluation and determine if picosecond is the right treatment.


How many picosecond laser treatments can get?


Non-thermal means no unnecessary heat to your skin. So, no matter where you get your picoescond laser treatments, it’s of utmost importance that picosecond laser machine is customizable for the exact treatment you want, or your skin may be exposed to unnecessary heat that causes damage to your skin. Bestview Laser maintains a high standard with picosecond laser and calibrate them to your specific needs, Bestview picosecond laser machine can treat you with the correct number of treatments to get your desired results.