Why Choose Malibu Canyon X-Ray Imaging Services?

X-ray imaging services at an urgent care center like Malibu Canyon Urgent Care allow patients to get x-rays when it best fits their schedule. In addition, patients coming into Malibu Canyon Urgent Care get the following care coordination services along with their X-ray:Board-certified medical treatment to support key healthcare choices.Evaluations pertaining to worker’s compensation and back-to-work initiatives.To completely assess the seriousness of your injuries, seek urgent care and minor injury treatment and get an x-ray.Pediatric treatment for your kids’ sprains, bruising, and other types of acute injuries.Treatment for sports injuries for competitors at all levelsX-rays for other medical illnesses such as pneumonia.Access to walk-in clinics means that patients never need to make an appointment for their x-ray scan.Patients that may need X-ray services, Malibu Canyon Urgent Care can help you with nearly any injury or sickness, and provide you with the care and medical attention you need to recover.