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Nehru place escorts


Nehru Place, located in the heart of Delhi, is known for its bustling markets and high-tech businesses. However, it has also gained a notorious reputation for being home to several sex workers or "escorts." These women work in dimly lit alleyways and brothels that are hidden away from public view. Despite their illegal status and the risks associated with their profession, Nehru place escorts continue to thrive due to the demand for sexual services by locals and tourists alike. The issue of prostitution remains a complex one in India with conflicting views on how best to address it. While some argue for legalization as a means of providing protection and rights for sex workers, others believe it perpetuates exploitation and objectification of women. Regardless of one's stance on this controversial topic, it cannot be denied that Nehru Place continues to attract those who seek out these illicit services despite the potential consequences they may face. Contact = +91 9311679075

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