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Free Birdees


Free Birdees provides the softest and highest quality baby and children’s footies, coveralls, Baby 2 piece pajamasSoftest Childrens Rompers, blankets, dresses, Childrens underwear and more. All products are made of chemical free bamboo viscose which makes them more breathable than other fabrics to keep babies and children cool during warm days and cozy during cold ones. We offer a 100% Happiness Guarantee, include free shipping and returns, and have one of the best rewards/loyalty program available. We offer exceptional customer service and have very satisfied customers that keep coming back to us over and over again. But don’t take our word for it, we have over 5,000 5-star reviews. Contact us :-Free Birdees5830 Hannum Ave., Unit #C, Culver City, CA 90230 USA[email protected]https://freebirdees.com/
