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Temica Roshawn is a multi-talented individual who has made a name for herself in the literary world. As a dedicated mother, she understands the importance of balancing her passion for writing with her responsibilities at home. Despite her busy schedule, Temica has managed to establish herself as a prolific writer and author, albeit under a pen name that allows her to express her creativity while maintaining her privacy.

Temica Roshawn Says “Words feed the mind, but love feeds the soul, and both simmer in everyone&# ...
Temica Roshawn Says “Words feed the mind, but love feeds the soul, and both simmer in everyone’s heart”
Temica Roshaw – Weaving Tales, Crafting Feasts, and Nurturing Friendships
Temica Roshaw – Weaving Tales, Crafting Feasts, and Nurturing Friendships
