Modern Medical


Laser Skin Treatments for Wrinkles and more

Laser skin treatments have been around for decades but they’re still one of the best ways to treat wrinkles and other signs of aging. Find out why!

Laser skin treatments are an effective way to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin tone, and even remove unwanted hair. They also provide long-lasting results that last several months after treatment.

The Benefits of Laser Skin Treatments

There are two main types of laser skin treatments: ablative lasers and nonablative lasers. Ablative lasers use heat to destroy the top layer of skin cells, while nonablative lasers use light energy to stimulate collagen production. Both types of lasers work by targeting the pigment melanin within the skin. This helps to prevent future sun damage and keeps skin looking young and healthy.

Skin Rejuvenation

At Modern Medical Spa in Richland WA the Icon is an aesthetic platform that performs both IPL rejuvenation and laser therapies. The Icon is also the only laser that contains Skintel™, a live melanin reader, which better understands your unique skin type.

The Icon can help you achieve better-looking skin if you have:

· Fine lines and wrinkles

· Stretch marks

· Spider veins

· Acne scars

· Surgical scars

· Uneven skin tone

· Hyperpigmentation

As a non-invasive treatment, the Icon works by impacting the deepest layers of your skin. The laser energy activates your body’s natural healing response, which stimulates cell regeneration and collagen production. Over the coming weeks and months, your skin tightens and repairs itself to reveal gorgeous new skin.