• $15.00

Wordle – online word game

Wordle is an online word game in which players are given six chances to correctly guess a five-letter word. The objective of the game is to guess the word by typing in a series of five-letter guesses. After each guess, the game displays which letters in the guess match the letters in the target word, and in which positions.

Each letter can only be used once per guess, and players must guess a new five-letter word for each round. If a guess is incorrect, players lose one of their six chances. If they correctly guess the word within six attempts, they win the game.

Wordle is commonly compared to the traditional game of Hangman but with some differences. In Hangman, players guess individual letters until they are able to guess the complete word or phrase. In Wordle, players guess the complete word but are given feedback about which letters are in the correct position.

Wordle has gained popularity recently, with many people sharing their high scores and strategies on social media. The game can be played for free online and has become a popular way to pass the time and challenge the mind.