Pre-formulation Services


Pre-formulation Services

Pre-formulation Study Package

A comprehensive pre-formulation study is an important premise for the development of formulation and process. It provides an important basis for the druggability evaluation of the compound, route of administration and dosage form selection, formulation and process design, and the quality control of the drug product.

Automated In-Vitro Testing

There is a new standard for measuring the physicochemical properties of your drug earlier in the development timeline to prevent backwards and inefficient decisions on your way to in vivo and FIH studies.

In-Silico PBPK Modeling and Simulation

After completing your molecule’s basic benchwork and characterization, it is time to leverage powerful simulation software for in vitro-in vivo extrapolation.


Want to Know More?

If you have any questions, we will always be happy to help. Feel free to contact us by telephone, mail or leave a message.


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