• $15

Best Sexologist for Male Sexual Patients’ Treatment in Patna, Bihar

Importance of Sexual Life:

Sexual activities are one of the most hilarious times in a couple’s life. It helps in our health well-being in the form of good blood pressure, heart rate, new cell growth and psychological well-being. Sexual life has had its own important since ancient times. It not only helps in our good health but it is also important for our procreation.


Sexual hormones and chemicals play an important role in good sexual health. The sexual hormones testosterone in men and estrogen in women play an essential role in participating in sexual activities. Here for good sexual health our mental, physical and daily life should be healthy and prosperous.


Sexual health and its diseases:

Everyone should get educated oneself in this sexual life. It helps our sexual and marital life. Our world famous Ayurvedacharya and senior sexologist of India, Dr. Sunil Dubey is going to tell about sexual diseases and how they have a bad effect on the sexual health of a man or woman. At last, he will also share about the treatment and medication of these sexual problems.


Sexual dysfunction in men:

Dr. Sunil Dubey, the best sexologist doctor in Patna says that sexual dysfunction can affect a man in different forms. The main reasons of male sexual dysfunctions are physical, mental, genetics, psychological, medical, and others. We can categorize the male sexual dysfunction in the following type:-


1.       Erectile Dysfunction:

Due to sudden influx in blood circulation to the penile, it expands, becomes erect and hard and causes erection. In Erectile Dysfunction condition, the man is unable to get or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual activity.


The main causes of this sexual dysfunction are diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, injuries, and some certain medicines, and antidepressants, health-related factors such as drinking, overweight, smoking, and inactive physical work.


2.       Premature Ejaculation:

Premature ejaculation is an early discharge; in this situation, ejaculation occurs quickly in the man and the man and his female partner want to complete successful sexual activity but this does not happen. A sexual patient with premature discharge ejaculates within a short period of time or at the time of penetration. This is a sexual cum psychological disorder in which 40-50% always reports it in the globe.


The prime causes of this sexual disease are stress, depression, relationship issues, low confidence, erectile dysfunction, concern about sexual performance, sensitive penile head, and so on.


3.       Loss of Libido:

Decreased libido is also known as low sexual drive or desire. This is normal and can be temporary or long-term in men or women. It is a common sexual problem after the age of 40 but before that it is a venereal disease. Generally, libido varies from person to person and can fluctuate throughout a person’s life. In this sexual disease, the sexual patient’s desire for sexual life and activities decreases.


The major causes of this sexual problem are medical issues like diabetes, cardiac disease, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, psychological issues, and so on.


4.       Night Discharge:

Nocturnal discharge is a common sexual problem among adolescence and youth. Generally, this rapid eye movement occurs during sleep which occurs early in the morning or late at night. In this condition the person discharges himself during the dream.


The primary reasons of this sexual disease are psychological issues, hormone imbalance, full of urinary bladder, prostate gland congestion, inactive sexual life, neuropathy damages, leakage of semen, and incomplete masturbation.


5.       Metal Disease (Dhat Syndrome):

The condition of ejaculation in a man without sexual intercourse and sexual stimulation is called Dhat disease. Involuntary discharge or flow of semen is a sexual problem in men. Falling of metal is called metal disease. In some cases, due to constipation, semen also starts coming out along with urine while defecating.

The main symptoms and causes of this sexual dysfunction are discharge of semen during urination, sensual dreams, inappropriate sexual desire, fatigue, weakness etc.


Treatment and Medication for Sexual Dysfunction:

Our Ayurvedacharya and Best Sexologist in Bihar, Dr. Sunil Dubey says that generally any sexual dysfunction is curable if the patient gets his treatment and medication in time. Ayurveda Medical Science has 100% exact solution to get rid of any sexual problem.


He is one of the most senior and experienced sexologist doctors in the profession of Ayurveda and sexology medical science. He has been treating and serving all types of sexual patients in Patna, Bihar for a long time. The specialty of this world famous sexologist is his research based natural medicines. In his natural medication, he provides herbs, chemical, effective bhasma, and home remedies.


Dr. Sunil Dubey has treated more than 3.5 lakh sexual patients of India and mostly patients have fixed their problems after the completing the medication. He practices at Dubey Clinic every day where more than 50 sexual patients come to get their treatment and medication. He provides them non-surgical natural treatment and medicines and counsels the psycho sexual patients.


If you are a sexual patient and live in India or Bihar; so just consult this clinic. Make an appointment to visit the clinic, which is available over the phone. It is a certified Ayurveda and Sexology medical science clinic that provides services all over India and facilitates medicine delivery privileges through courier.




With best wishes:

Best Sexologist Patna

Dr. Sunil Dubey, Senior Sexologist of India

A Certified Clinic of India

Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 93340 58336

Venue: Subhash Market, Langar Toli Chauraha, Patna, Bihar